Tales from the New Republic: Star Wars Legends (Star Wars - Legends) by Edited by Peter Schweighofer and Craig Carey

Tales from the New Republic: Star Wars Legends (Star Wars - Legends) by Edited by Peter Schweighofer and Craig Carey

Author:Edited by Peter Schweighofer and Craig Carey
Language: eng
Format: azw3
ISBN: 9780307796455
Publisher: Random House Worlds
Published: 2011-06-28T00:00:00+00:00

“Communications have been restored, sir.”

“Finally! Patch me through directly to our forces.” Tyrix’s fingers flew over his console and he quickly signaled his success with a nod to the General.

Xarran reached for his comlink. “Xarran to Alpha and Delta Groups. All units are to report status immediately.”

There was silence.

Rivo gave his brother a meaningful glance, but Xarran ignored him and tried again. “I repeat, this is General Xarran ordering all units to account current status. Alpha Group … report.”


A bead of sweat trickled down the General’s forehead. He leaned closer to the mike. “Delta Group … report.”

Again, there was not a sound.

Xarran stared accusingly at Tyrix. “You must have been in error, Commander. The comm system is still down.”

“I regret to inform you, sir. It is functioning within normal parameters. Our forces should be responding.”

“Yet that is not the case.” Xarran’s voice had lost a bit of its hard edge. “Why?”

Rivo answered with a plaintive wail. “Because they’re all dead!”

Xarran spun around, viciously backhanding his brother across the face. “Will you shut up!”

The unexpected blow sent Rivo crumpling to the deck, where he cringed, holding up his hands in supplication. Xarran’s face softened with regret immediately. He helped Rivo up and said in a low whisper, “Forgive me, brother …”

“Wait a minute!” Tyrix nearly jumped from his console. “General, sensors are picking up one of our walkers at the outer perimeter.”

Xarran beamed. “Put it on the viewscreen.”

Tyrix complied and the image of a battle-scarred AT-AT filled the viewer.

“Returning in victory?” the Commander said.

“Let’s find out.” Xarran tried the comlink again. “Base to walker. Report.”

A gout of fire suddenly bloomed on the underbelly of the AT-AT followed by a loud explosion that sent a burst of static over the comlink. The walker lurched forward, like a mortally wounded behemoth, then fell. Its chin connected with the ground, and then the rest of its body followed suit, causing the soil to rumble. Then the metal monster disappeared in a haze of smoke and flame.

“What was that?” Tyrix blurted out.

“A message,” Rivo said softly.

The base control room was absolutely still. No one dared to move or speak. Everyone was staring silently at the terrible image that loomed on the viewer.

Everyone that is, except for Xarran. The General stood up and slowly walked into his office, boots clacking on the deck plates. His voice echoed through the room. “Someone turn off that blasted thing.…”

Tyrix shut off the screen, but as the rest of the base crew hurriedly resumed their duties he continued to stare at the dark viewer for a few moments. His gaze flickered across the room, and came to rest on Rivo. After thirty years of military service, the Commander had seen more than his share of horrible things, but the look of terror in Rivo’s eyes sent a chill rippling down his spine.


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